School events and free participation activities are held at least once a month
Akamonkai Japanese Conversation Club is held every week (free charge) You can interact and speak with native Japanese speakers!
School Events
- Entrance Ceremony
- Bus Excursion
- Tanabata
- Speech Contest
- Fire Drill
- Graduation Trip
- Graduation Trip
- Graduation Ceremony
Free Participate Events
Japanese Cultural Experiences
Ikebana (flower arrangement), Sado (tea ceremony), Shodo, etc
Interact with Other Students
Music club, Halloween party, Christmas party, etc
Interact with Japanese people
Local summer festival, Sports day with college students, Conversation club, etc
Photo contests, etc
Language differences, cultural differences. Having a wide variety of new and different experiences made studying more fun.
There are a large number of school sponsored events at Akamonkai each season.
One of my particular favorite types is excursions to see old buildings, Buddhist statues and similar objects where you can really get a feel for Japan's history.
During a trip to Kamakura, we also visited Enoshima, and it was really interesting with the old shrines and caves located on the little island in the sea.
The scenery was extremely beautiful, and it was fun just leisurely strolling around.
There were also many other events that allowed me to experience Japan's culture, and seeing how much everyone's Japanese language levels had improved at the speech contest was really motivating.
Stamatov Emanuil Emilov Bulgaria