Support for Pursuing Higher Education
Features of academic support system
Full support for student's individual goals by individual interviews with 3 parties
Based on abundant data and experience, class teachers, academic advisors, and multilingual staff will provide individual guidance so that each student can go on to the most suitable graduate school, university, or vocational school.
Abundant information on various schools
We have pamphlets and application guidelines for a multitude of universities, graduate schools, and vocational schools, and we always share the latest information during open campuses and information sessions through our student portal site.
EJU preparation
For those who wish to go on to university, we offer classes for English, mathematics, general subjects, physics, chemistry, and basic biology. You can take classes from beginner-intermediate level.
Our students have been accepted by most of the well-known universities and graduate schools.
National universities/graduate schools
東京大学、京都大学、一橋大学、北海道大学、東北大学、千葉大学、埼玉大学、名古屋大学、大阪大学、神戸大学、九州大学、東京都立大学、東京工業大学、筑波大学、横浜国立大学、横浜市立大学、東京外国語大学、東京学芸大学、東京農工大学 etc
Private universities/graduate schools
早稲田大学、慶應義塾大学、上智大学、東京理科大学、学習院大学、明治大学、青山学院大学、立教大学、中央大学、法政大学、日本大学、東洋大学、駒澤大学、専修大学、東京都市大学、関西大学、立命館大学、武蔵野美術大学、多摩美術大学、女子美術大学 etc
Numerous partnered schools
We also have agreements with many schools to send recommended students and our students are able to receive special benefits such as exemption of primary entrance exams and enrollment fees reduction.
Over 100 majors across more than 30 partnered schools (Private universities )
Over 220 vacancies across more than 80 partnered schools (Vocational schools)
辻調グループ(辻調理師、辻製菓)、Adachi学園グループ(東京デザイナー学院、東京ビジュアルアーツ、東京クールジャパン、東京スクール・オブ・ビジネス、東京観光)、日本工学院、滋慶学園グループ、トラベルジャーナル学園、HAL東京、日本電子、東京テクニカルカレッジ、東京工科自動車大学校、ハリウッド美容 etc.
Messages from Alumni
ZHOU XINYU(China)Kyoto University, Graduate School of Economics
The biggest attraction of Akamonkai for me was that students from many countries gather. I was able to broaden my views and experience a lot of different cultures. Everyone, please interact with your classmates a lot at this international school. Not only in Japanese, but also English! These international experiences will be useful for future research at graduate school and in work!
Click here to view the messages from our graduates who furthered their studies.
Regarding admission procedure and inquiries